disapproving kitty

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Real Meaning of Irony

Dear Ohio Leaders*

It's testing season again for my elementary school students. I don't know what content is in these tests, because I'm not allowed to know. I'm just their teacher. I do know my students, though, because I am their teacher.
I know what they can do. I know how well they can read, how well they can write, talk, analyze, construct, synthesize, and evaluate. I know how well they can use mathematics and solve real-world problems using their skills. I know this because I evaluate them every single day, and we use that information together to improve tomorrow. I know what they can do.
But you say you don't trust me to honestly report that, because...? I don't actually know. I don't know why you've decided that Ohio's parents don't trust their kids' teachers because I have a feeling that if we took a poll, we'd discover that they trust me a lot more than they trust you. I have absolutely nothing to gain from saying a child is capable of something when she isn't. You, on the other hand, have lots and lots of financial support to lose unless you can "prove" that children who aren't actually failing are -- according to a testing company.
If schools are failing, then you can open charter schools, at taxpayer expense, enriching the owners of those charter schools so they will continue donating to campaigns to support your re-election. You know, charter schools like the honest, upstanding and effective ECOT. Tell me, how many tax dollars have gone towards that swindle?** If you can convince the public that their tax dollars should be used to pay for high priced testing, because teachers aren't to be trusted, then you can continue funding testing companies. Who can then go on use that money to lobby you. It's a neat little circle of taxpayer dollars, all swirling into private hands, with zero benefits to children.
What do I get if I honestly evaluate my students with tests that truly measure what they need to know? All I get is the ability to plan tomorrow's lessons.***
With mandatory state testing, I don't even get that. I NEVER get to see the questions and the kids' answers. No teacher ever gets to deeply analyze what those results mean in order to better teach students. Teachers, children and parents get NOTHING out of this testing except many lost hours of real teaching time, stress, frustration, tears, fearfulness, anxiety and prescriptions for ulcer medications. For 9 year olds. This testing, which is supposed to improve education, does nothing but make it worse. I suppose, though, we could use the situation to teach the meaning of the word "irony."

The only people who seem to be profiting are people who are benefitting YOU.

I'm fighting every day for my students.

Whose side are you on?

An Ohio Teacher

*Specifically, ones who have had their elections helped by donations from charter schools or others who profit off of mandatory State Testing. If you aren't one of these leaders, then thank you. Keep up the good work.
**More about charter schools in Ohio here
***If I'm lucky, I get notes at the end of the year saying "Thank you for teaching me this year!" from the kids. Those are precious.

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