I write about stuff. Usually more around December because of the Holidailies challenge, and in the summer because I'm a teacher and have more time. Sort of.

disapproving kitty
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Is it Blursday Yet?
Reporting to you from day...something...of the quarantine. It hasn't been that long, really, but I can lose track of the days in a 3 day weekend, so knowing exactly how many days this forever has lasted so far is beyond me.
In some ways, things aren't that much different. I stay inside and putter around instead of going out and doing yard work or going for a walk until the rain hits and then "hey! It's not my fault I can't go out and rake the dead grass out of the lawn, it's raining!" This is a pretty typical non-quarantine thing for me to do. On the other hand, I haven't talked to anyone in person who isn't a family member in...days? Weeks? I think I did have a yell-chat with our neighbor the other day while I was in the car and he was a safe 15 feet away and there's the occasional "hi!" to people we see when we're out walking, but that's really it. I'm not an introvert by nature, and the lack of other human contact is starting to wear. I never would have made it as a homesteader or a pioneer.*
It was "spring break" for me and the kids this week and one thing that is the same is the mounting anxiety that I haven't really prepped enough for the coming weeks and there's a lot to do, so I really should get in to school. Only not only have I not prepped enough, I'm not even really sure what I'm doing since a great part of my job is supporting teachers and none of us are really solid in this online-teaching yet. So there's anxiety on top of anxiety and so far I've managed to do a better-than-average job at avoiding it.** I did manage to make some lists today, which helped. Having this job which is a little tough to nail down to begin with does not help. In the physical world, I had a schedule, lots of time booked with gifted kids, independent projects, extension lessons, co-teaching lessons all filling my time. It took a long while for me to build *that* with my colleagues. Now I'm back to square less-than-one. I'm flooded with roughly eleventy billion fabulous online resources to use, but even that is anxiety provoking, to be honest. I do my best work when I'm bouncing ideas off of people.
I miss my teams of teachers. I miss my students. I miss the tiny day-to-day interactions with colleagues and friends. I miss hugs from the kids. Elementary kids hug you all the time. They're marvelous like that.
I know this won't last forever, and yes, I know this could be much, much worse, but knowing that has never helped anybody. (So do us all a favor and quit posting the memes about how much more awful it was for someone else, 'k?)
This wound up being kinda bleaker than I meant it to, but hey, that's just Blursday for you. Never could get the hang of that day.
*Let's be honest here, my total lack of physical skills and general dislike of roughing it of any sort would have been much larger problems than a need for social contact.
**My own DD is stellar at avoidance, and, it seems, she comes by it honestly. I mean, I come by it honestly, too. In my own family, we even have names for specific kinds of procrastination activities.†
†Creative task-avoidance: when you get something productive accomplished instead of not doing another, more important task. Housecleaning, blogging, organizing the game cabinet, exercise and baking all fall into this category.
Crass task-avoidance: when you do nothing of any value whatsoever instead of doing what you need to do. Video games, internet surfing and Facebook are in this category.
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