disapproving kitty

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

in a bottle, shrink-wrap, cardboard box, I don't care. I'd just like some.

Dear Santa,

This year for the holidays I would like some time.  I'm good with 15 minute increments or hour long blocks, anything is fine, really.  Just some time to myself to get a little housework done, or some reading, maybe even do something crafty or bake something.  Or sleep.  I'd take several hours worth of sleep over a multitude of gifts, easy.

If it's something you can't make at the workshop, I'd be happy to go out and just get some local. Should you find any for sale, let me know.  I'll go buy some and give it to J to give to me*.

It's a simple thing.  You'd think someone would have figured out a way to do this by now.  I suppose I could give up Facebook and get back untold hours of my week, but I don't see it happening.

I'll be looking for it under the tree.


*this is actually pretty standard for our holiday gift-giving.  I'll buy and give him several things I know I'd like.  Usually by the time I get the gifts, I've forgotten I ever gave it to him.  Really.

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